Q & A

Q: What kind of books should I donate?
A: That's completely up to you and to the place you plan to donate to.  We suggest contacting them ahead of time to ask about their donation policy, in case they only take new books (or in case they are not currently taking donations).  Any Pagan or Pagan friendly book is suggested.

Q: Where should I donate my book to?
A: That's up to you, but you can read a few ideas on these pages.

Q: What if I'm still in the broom closet?  Can I still participate?
A: You can certainly donate anonymously, or consider donating to a Pagan Community Center or Pagan library.

Q: Is there a place where I can donate towards the price of books to be donated?
A: The VinLand Foundation is finalizing it's non-profit status, at which time donations will be accepted towards book donations.  Stay tuned for more information.

Q: Are there any badges or graphics I can use for this event on my blog or website?
A: Graphics will be coming soon!

Q: What do I do if my library says it doesn't take Pagan books?
A: If you are blatantly told that your library will not take the book because of it's content, click here for more info.